"Unannounced" was another small film, created with a similar crew and expectations in mind as my previous short, "Farewell". The film is thematically similar to "Farewell" in some ways, in that I wanted to explore the relationship between two lonely people at different stages in their life. Although the film all takes place in the present, the two characters are very much stuck in the past. The farmer has never really gotten over the loss of his wife and there are old wounds that haven't been dealt with between him and his daughter. The film may not reach a nice and tidy conclusion, but there's some hope between these two lost souls. The full film is available online here. |
Neil Affleck Julianne Hjartarson WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY Spencer Ryerson PRODUCED BY Jessica Reis CINEMATOGRAPHY Spencer Ryerson PRODUCTION DESIGN Giovanna Gatto MUSIC BY Alex Purcell SOUND DESIGN Jack Ewing |