"COIL" is a film about social anxiety and learning to acknowledge and better understand one's symptoms of it. I feel we're in a time where there is a lot of anxiety, whether that be socially, financially, or politically, and the heart of this project comes from some of my own experiences with social anxiety (worms not included). The film depicts some of the effects that anxiety can have and how it can affect one's perception of themselves, but through the genre framework of a horror film. When I wrote the script, I wanted to tell a story that is engaging and accessible, while also depicting an anxiety attack realistically as something unknown, isolating and frightening. Horror is a genre I've always loved, and I felt it was a fitting atmosphere to work within while exploring the themes of anxiety and isolation. While on the surface, "COIL" plays out as a monster movie (or a horribly unhygienic, punk-rock baking film), it comes from very real emotions and experiences that many people, myself included, deal with every day. "COIL" is now available on the horror YouTube platform, ALTER, FilmShortage, and Vimeo. Watch here! |
Victoria Dunsmore WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY Spencer Ryerson PRODUCED BY Jessica Reis, Spencer Ryerson, & Howard Wan CINEMATOGRAPHY Howard Wan PRODUCTION DESIGN Giovanna Gatto MUSIC BY Anthony Abbatangelo SOUND DESIGN Evan Jerred |